
Our Services

Studio Ilk takes an inclusive and collaborative approach to design. We listen deeply to produce truly unique responses to each project, site and client. Adapting not only to the intricacies of each new site, but also seeking to understand the people behind the brief.

We continually evolve the way we work, informed by people, place and the greater societal context in which we practice, always seeking to respect and foster local values and craftsmanship, so that the result is functional and enduring solutions that enrich daily life for our clients, whether residential or commercial.

Our Team

Kate Symons
Kate Symons
Founding Director & Principal.
Kate is passionate about the preservation of heritage buildings and particularly the ethos of sustainable principles surrounding the retention of extant built fabric and the embodied energy such buildings contain. She relishes the challenge of complex sites and emphasises supporting and guiding clients through the design and approval processes holistically and rigorously.

Kate graduated with honours from UTAS in 2003 and spent her formative years working on a range of residential, commercial, healthcare and educations projects both in Tasmania and abroad. Several of which were award winning.

However, it was the superlative landscape of Tasmania that drew Kate back to Hobart permanently. After several years of co-directing MGA.I, in 2020, Kate took the decisive step to launch her own Architectural and Interiors Practice, Studio Ilk.

Kate is keenly interested in improving the path for women in the construction industry and in particular the architectural profession.
Lucy Wilkes
Lucy Maxwell
Lucy has a keen eye for detail, particularly when it comes to design and documenting, and brings a thoughtful and insightful approach to all her work, with a focus on natural materials and craftsmanship.

In 2018 Lucy graduated from the University of Tasmania with a Masters of Architecture and after working alongside Kate and her team at MGA.I as a student intern, she leapt at the opportunity to join Studio Ilk.
laura callingham
Laura Callingham
In the ultimate statement as an Architect, Laura designed her own home upon returning to Tasmania, ‘Pastures Hill House’, which was included in the Open House Hobart scheme in 2020.

Laura has over 20 years’ experience working in Melbourne and Victoria and has a breadth of experience within the residential and commercial sectors and a specialist background in high-end residential architecture and interior design.

Laura joined the Studio Ilk team in 2021.
maria gigney
Maria Gigney
Senior Consultant Architect.
In 1999 Maria founded MGArchitects where she and Kate Symons worked together for over 8 years. Maria and Kate continued their working relationship through MGA.I from 2016-2020 and now with Studio Ilk.

Maria is primarily committed to returning client projects of substantial residential and commercial work. She has extensive hospitality and retail experience principally through her work with Hill Street Grocer and many of those projects have been awarded nationally and published widely.
Genevieve Griffiths
Genevieve has had 15 years post graduate experience working in Architectural firms in Melbourne and Hobart on projects of all scales and budgets. She has worked on a variety of building typologies, but prefers the intricacies and personal connections of residential architecture.

Genevieve is passionate about mid century design, natural materials, brutalist architecture, textile art, and going to the beach. She believes that bigger is definitely not better when it comes to housing and that the key to sustainable architecture is thoughtfully designed, robust, adaptable buildings that will outlive their owners.